"Most" Tyumen
by Alia Gubaidullina

Hi world,

my name is Alia Gubaidullina. I was born in Ufa on 27.03.79. At the moment I am living in Tyumen, South West Siberia. I am 19 now and I am studying at the Tyumen State University, the Department of Foreign Languages. Besides I am a part-time student of the Department of Ecology and Geography, geoecology is likely to become my future specialization, but I am interesting in aquatic ecology as well, especially in oil pollution of water and its possible consequences. Alia
Hobbies: listening to music (classical, jazz, rock’n’roll, bard, rock), playing the piano and guitar and singing (alone, in a duet with my friend and in the choir), travelling (my dream is to see as many places in the world as only possible), cycling, communicating with people, reading, dancing.


river tura Speaking about Tyumen area, it will be quite usual to use the word "most". It is the largest area in the Russian Federation. The size of the Tyumen region is 1435,2 thousands of sq. km, or 8,4 % of the whole area of the country. In Russia it concedes on the territory only to Republic Sakha (Yakutiya) and Krasnoyarsk Region. If you have a look at a card of the world, it will appear, that only 19 states have the territory greater, than the Tyumen region's.

From the north to the south the Tyumen region extends up to 2100 kms (for example, the distance from Tyumen to Moscow makes 2144 kms), and from the west to the east the maximum extent reaches 1400 km.

The extreme northern point of area is located across the polar circle on the peninsula Yamal - 73°30´ n. lat. (cape Skuratovo), extreme western - in mountains of northern Ural, at sources the river Severnaya Sos’va (Beryozovsky region, Khanty-Mansiysk

independent district), - 58°50´ e. long. The extreme east point is in Nizhnevartovsk region, at a source of the river Vah, - 86°00´ e. long.; extreme southern in Sladovskiy region, on the borderline with Khazakhstan, - 55°10´ n. lat.

The Tyumen region is located in the central part of the Euro-Asian continent, extends from the coast of the Arctic ocean up to forest-steppe zone and occupies a large part of the western-siberian plain. the Kara sea, (the only one in the Tyumen region), washing the northern coast of the area on an extent about 5 thousand kms, enters deeply into theland and forms rather shallow gulfs: Baydaratskaya Guba, Obskaya Guba, length of

which is 800 kms, Tazovskaya, Uratskaya and peninsulas between them - Yamal, Ob-tazovsky (Small Yamal), Gydanskaya, of Mamont.

The Tyumen region consists of the all the islands in the Kara sea between 65° and 77° east. long. They are: White, separated by a strait of Malygin from Yamal peninsula, the peninsula of Shokal’sky, Vil’nitsky, Neupokoev, Oleny.
On the vast area of the region it is possible to allocate four natural zones: tundra, forest-tundra, forest and forest-steppe.

Its neighbours areas: one state of the CIS - Khazakhstan, one republic - Komi, one krai (territory) - Krasnoyarsky krai- and five regions of the Russian Federation - Arkhangelsk, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Omsk and Tomsk.

The economic-geographical position (EPP) of the Tyumen region has a number of peculiarities. Nearness (in comparison with other regions of Siberia) to industrial and advanced regions of the European part of the country, first of all to Ural, and a good provision of
diverse natural resources can be considered the region's favourable features. Among adverse features of the EPP of the area there is severity of natural conditions, not non-sufficient development and low concentration of population in the greater part of the territory. Almost 9/10 of its areas concerns to regions of the Extreme North (territory of the Extreme North is determined by the resolution of government of Russia.

By its outlines the Tyumen area reminds of the heart of a person. Really, having the reachest in Russia natural resources and large economic potential, area – a sort of an energy-giving "heart" of the country,

during last decades greatly determining its economic development.

Hopefully you are having now a better idea about our city and region! If you are having any questions about Tyumen or me it will be my pleasure to answer to you! Just send me an e-mail: bbsalia@iclub.tyumen.ru

Good bye from Smiling Sibiria J
